Earth Friends is an
environmental education program
designed for children ages 3-8

Giving young children a foundation of where we live and how we live will unite a generation beyond geography, politics, and race. While adults come from a place of fight and save and fear, young minds are eager to learn about and love our planet and all life on it.

where we learn
to love and care
for our home

Today, 4 in 5 parents feel climate education should be taught in schools, 58% believe before kindergarten, and educators agree that the formative years are where habits form and neuroplasticity is in our favor. This is known as the “climate education gap.”

the Earth Friends program

the objective

to establish a foundation of environmental education in young children ages 3-8 that will prepare them to learn to love and respect our natural and built environments, other people, and their own health and well-being

The success of integrating environmental education into early childhood education curricula depends on certain criteria.

  • inclusion of hands-on activities, developmentally appropriate practices, and social emotional learning

  • repetition of concepts through movement, music, and routine

  • community events and initiatives that incorporate both the families of the children and the school

  • instituting sustainable routines throughout the operations of the school or center

Environmental literacy must be embedded throughout daily routines, interactions, and activities with young children. Once that takes place, climate action and environmental activism will naturally evolve in the children who have been permitted the self-agency to learn about the world around them and to understand their impact on it.

program details

  • Each module consists of 5 lessons. The 20-min lessons include activities, experiments, visuals, school integrations, family engagement, and more.

  • The program consists of 5 modules. Each module introduces a subject of environmental awareness.

  • Each lesson is followed by additional activities that teachers are invited to incorporate to scaffold learning throughout the week—or in additional to the lesson.

  • For each lesson, you will find accompanying materials to send home to families. This helps families understand what their children are learning and possibly continue learning, discussions, and activities at home.

  • Each module suggests a gathering for the school, the children, and the families to celebrate what the children are learning.

  • The program includes access to 5 hours of asynchronous professional development, in the form of 5 20-minutes videos + exercises.

  • Professional and personal resources are broken down by module subject, which allows the educator to explore and expand their teaching.

Want a peek into the portal?

Take a peek inside the Earth Friends Educator Portal. You will see how all content is organized, where you can access Earth Friends lessons, professional development, our community, and more. Each Earth Friends Programs gives portal access to up to four individuals.

the five modules

the five modules

Module 1

natural element
climate zone

Rather than
climate change,
we explore an appreciation for our planet that gives
us all we need
to live.

Module 2


Rather than
biodiversity loss,
we explore the many unique plants and animals
we share
our home with.

Module 3

food waste

Rather than
food waste,
we explore an awareness
of our food,
where food comes from, where waste goes.

Module 4


Rather than teaching pollution we explore the abundance of Earth’s renewable energy to move, go, and grow.

Module 5

natural resource

Rather than teaching over consumption we explore the value of things that humans can create.

the 5 lessons in each module

Each week the children have the chance to conceptualize the material in a new way.

week 1: LEARN


week 3: OBSERVE

week 4

week 5: LOVE

Each lesson includes:

curious questions

engage minds, question what we know, express ideas, create possibilities

vocabulary words

from basic to big words, a literacy journey in understanding our world

good choices

how we apply what we are learning to our every day life, our actions and behaviors

class activities

learn hands-on, get creative, experiment with science, move our bodies

school supports

teacher-led activities throughout the week with consistent school support

family suggestions

experiences, activities, and discussions to learn outside of the classroom with family

gather in community

Community is
a vital aspect of environmental awareness.

Who are we? Who do we share Earth with? What is the power of the collective?

To celebrate each module, host a community event. It is fundamental to interact with what the children are learning and for them to share an experience with their teachers, family, and friends.

Why teach
Earth Friends in your classroom?

Young children need enthusiastic and positive, humans to share the truth of our world.

We have an opportunity to show them the magic of where they live and how they live so they will care for what they’ve learned to love later.

We must create new educational infrastructure.

While most preschool children cannot use letters to spell words, some are tracing letters, some are organizing letters to spell their name, some are singing their ABCs. Now, imagine a child entering first grade with no familiarity with letters. How might that child feel at school or how might that child interact with their peers? It is possible that the child would fall behind academically, not engage as much socially, and could significantly lack a means to express themselves and their talents.

Similar to how language starts with an understanding that letters exist, we can give children the understanding that planetary systems, ecological relationships, and production cycles exist. What they do with that information is far less important than knowing that information is out there. 

At this early stage of academia, environmental education can be seen as an educational infrastructure. In the years to come, children will be met with the complexity of natural and humanitarian challenges, opportunities to act, and a deeper understanding of their impact and that of their peers, but at this formative age, environmental education is successful solely as introduction and observation

The Earth Friends Program can set the foundation for the years to come.